Palazzo Pitti
Kirjoitin jo aiemmin Palazzo Pitistä ja näytin kuvia sen pukugalleriasta. Tämä renessanssipalatsi on valtava, siellä on kahdeksan eri museota, muun muassa Galleria Palatina, missä on esillä Medici-suvun taide-aarteita. Jos käyt Firenzessä, älä missaa Pittiä! Jos aikaa ei ole muuhun, suosittelen ainakin käymään palatsin takana olevassa Bobolin puutarhassa, se on upea. Eväitä ei kannata unohtaa, sillä pelkästään palatsiin tai puutarhaan onnistuu uppoamaan monta tuntia.
Palazzo Pittin rakennutti pankkiiri Luca Pitti, joka kuitenkin köyhdyttyään joutui myymään palatsin Mediceille. Medici-suku oli 1400-luvulla Firenzen vaikutusvaltaisin suku, ja myöhemmin virallinen hallitsijasuku. Medicit tukivat paljon taidetta ja arkkitehtuuria, merkittävin heidän tukemistaan taiteilijoista oli Michelangelo.
English translation
I've already shown you some pics from Palazzo Pitti's costume gallery, now I wanted to show some more, because the palace is so beautiful. It is also huge, there are 8 museums inside the palace, you can for example admire the art treasures of Medici family. If you visit Firenze, don't miss Pitti! If you don't have much time, I recommend to visit at least the Boboli garden, which is behind the Pitti.
The palace originally belonged to a banker called Luca Pitti, but he had to sell it to Medici family due to his money problems. Medici family was the most powerful family in the 15th century Florence and later the became an official ruler family. Medici family promoted art and architecture, the most famous artist they promoted was Michelangelo.
Palazzo Pittin rakennutti pankkiiri Luca Pitti, joka kuitenkin köyhdyttyään joutui myymään palatsin Mediceille. Medici-suku oli 1400-luvulla Firenzen vaikutusvaltaisin suku, ja myöhemmin virallinen hallitsijasuku. Medicit tukivat paljon taidetta ja arkkitehtuuria, merkittävin heidän tukemistaan taiteilijoista oli Michelangelo.
English translation
I've already shown you some pics from Palazzo Pitti's costume gallery, now I wanted to show some more, because the palace is so beautiful. It is also huge, there are 8 museums inside the palace, you can for example admire the art treasures of Medici family. If you visit Firenze, don't miss Pitti! If you don't have much time, I recommend to visit at least the Boboli garden, which is behind the Pitti.
The palace originally belonged to a banker called Luca Pitti, but he had to sell it to Medici family due to his money problems. Medici family was the most powerful family in the 15th century Florence and later the became an official ruler family. Medici family promoted art and architecture, the most famous artist they promoted was Michelangelo.
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